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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

#30DaysOfThanks Day 2: Jen Twimom (Partner in Crime)

Day 2 and of course it is my FitReaders, Sultry Listeners, Sounding Board, and will take my text at anytime of the day gal—Jen Twimom. Seriously I met her at the 2nd book conference I ever went to and we have been friends ever since. She is stunning, brilliant, and beautiful. She reads good stuff and I even drug her into the audio world where I think she is more known than me these days. I don’t even care cause I adore her! I love her to the moon and back and love how she supports all my wacky ideas. Thank you for joining Sultry Listeners and taking my back with FitReaders πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

2 Felicia’s and a Jennifer πŸ™‚

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