I am starting #30DaysofThanks with my original cohost—the one who has done this with me from the beginning. IN FACT—Hot Listens actually started Sulty Listeners and Melanie has reviewed over there forever. However, when Lupe decided to take a back seat we had to make some decisions. OMG y’all—there was a moment (or 3) that Sultry Listeners was just going to die. However, Melanie was like move forward and I will totally be your wing chick! She has no idea that she isn’t a wing chick—she is seriously the wings. I could not do this without her. She was like we can do this even if we don’t get it quite right. Every year we get closer to what we think this should be and we bring more people along for the ride. It is crazy and wonderful and would not be possible without her! So here is to Melanie—my friend, my co-host, and my sanity…. My wind beneath my broken and weird arse wings!
Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!!
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